Support the Athletes


Donate to the CSPA to help support skydiving in Canada!  The Canadian Sport Parachuting Association is a registered charity and all donations will receive charitable donation tax receipts.  If you would like the money used to support the National Championships simply include a directive with the donation instructing the money is to be used for the National Championships.

To make a donation contact 


Competitions can be very expensive, sometimes costing the competitors multiple thousands of dollars just to attend and compete, that does not even include the training.  All amateur athletes are no stranger to big bills to compete in their chosen sports, skydiving is no exception.  In fact skydiving is a very expensive sport due to its direct connection with aviation.  To help ease the financial burden on the competitors, the following GOFUNDME page has been set up. The page will be closed August 30, 2019 and 100% of the money raised will be divided equally between all of the officially registered competitors of the 2019 Canadian National Parachuting Championships to help ease the financial burden on each competitor.